Sunday, May 13, 2012

Spring 2012

I have been have some issues with the blog, which is why I haven't posted anything lately, but it is time to get back into it, and we have been taking some pictures lately so here it goes.

Spring 2012

What a marvelous time of year, spring.  The rebirth of everything that has taken a nap for the winter.  We have had so many of the cactus in our yard for years, and yet each spring it is like a new surprise as things start to bloom.

This is from our trip to Desert Botanical Gardens as are the several pictures following.

I love these tiny pink flowers, and I don't remember seeing them in the gardens before.

I love this butterfly, it looks like a stained glass window to me, so beautiful and delicate.
I was totally intrigued by the shadow on the leaf.  See how colorful this butterfly is on the underside of the wings?  It looks like a totally different butterfly from the top, below is the same butterfly, but from the top of the wings.  Pretty amazing, huh!!
I'll stop for now and post more of Spring 2012 soon.   Happy Photography