Sunday, October 23, 2011

Calendar pictures

It's been a while since I posted anything. Things have been busy at work, but that doesn't really matter since I need to catch up. So today I finally ordered a first 2012 calendar and want to share some of the images with you. We called it "The year in retrospect"

If you recall, the hummingbirds at our house, built their nest on the wire of our hummingbird wind chimes. This little one, must really like Christmas, since she built her nest on Christmas lights in our neighbors carport!

Alvin captured this on his daily walk. This and several of the other flowers below are from around the neighborhood.

These two pink flowers were AMAZING!! the blooms were 8" - 9" across and so beautiful!

These were from the Desert Botanical Gardens in Arizona.

This was from our trip to Sedona and The Grand Canyon. I shot this view of the Grand Canyon through the roots of a tree.

This was a little surprise, growing in the Red Rocks of Sedona AZ.

This beautiful Yellow flower was what we chose for the cover.

So those are a few of the highlights of our year. It has been full of beauty and travel and fun and photography.

Glad we could share a little of ourselves you.

Happy Photography!!